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Critical Minerals And Uses Of Precious Metals Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

Today I will gracefully some foundation data on which metals are the most worked in to our state ; these metals are generally utilized in un...

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Raymond Carvers Neighbors Essay -- Raymond Carver

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Neighbors† the speaker’s attention seems to be more directed on the Bill and Arlene Miller. The Millers are a married couple who were once a happy couple but as the years went along they felt grew apart. It seems as though they are too busy comparing their lives to the Harriet and Jim Stone, which are their neighbors, that they don’t have time to fix their marriage. The Stones do what married people should do and that’s â€Å"go out for dinner, or entertaining at home, or traveling about the country somewhere†¦(70).† The Millers are given the responsibility of looking after the Stones apartment for ten days, while they are on a pleasure trip. During these ten days they have to feed their Kitty, and water the plants. Because of this particular event the Millers, who se...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Limitations of Marketing Research

Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs. * I am going to use is Samsung Galaxy S2. I will be describing: How the product is being marketed. How has it been marketed? What are the sales figures? How effective was the marketing? How does the business measure the effectiveness of its marketing? The Samsung Galaxy S II is a touch screen-based, slate-format Android Smartphone designed, developed, and marketed by Samsung Electronics.The Samsung Galaxy S 2 really is a powerhouse of a mobile and is one of the year’s most popular phones after the great success of its Galaxy S predecessor. Samsung’s Galaxy S2 continued being the best-selling handset in the UK throughout November as Apple’s newly released iPhone 4S failed to claim the top spot. A Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy S2 has hit 10 million sales, making it the fastest-selling phone of the series so far.The Samsung Galaxy S2, took five months to reach the same milestone. Although Apple didn't make a similar announcement when the iPhone 4S reached 10 million, we expect it did so quicker than the Galaxy S3, having sold four million in its first weekend on sale. It is very important how you introduce the product in the market it had it to done in the correct way for example Samsung they advertise In TV, website, newspapers and YouTube adverts.People will watch the adverts on TV it will persuade them to buy new technology product. It will help the increasing sales. Samsung their aims are to be of the one best company in the world. To make sales double in the future and sell their Samsung products, and by achieving these goals we aim to lead the way in tackling the environmental problems that are facing our planet. † to be one of the top three electronics companies in the world in quantity and in quality by 2010;

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Julius Caesars Civil War Battle of Pharsalus

The Battle of Pharsalus took place on August 9, 48 BC and was the decisive engagement of Caesars Civil War (49-45 BC). Some sources indicate that battle may have taken place on June 6/7 or June 29. Overview With the war with Julius Caesar raging, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey) ordered the Roman Senate to flee to Greece while he raised an army in the region. With the immediate threat of Pompey removed, Caesar quickly consolidated his position in the western parts of the Republic. Defeating Pompeys forces in Spain, he shifted east and began preparing for a campaign in Greece. These efforts were hampered as Pompeys forces controlled the Republics navy. Finally forcing a crossing that winter, Caesar was soon joined by additional troops under Mark Antony. Despite being reinforced, Caesar was still outnumbered by Pompeys army, though his men were veterans and the enemy largely new recruits. Through the summer, the two armies maneuvered against each other, with Caesar attempting to besiege Pompey at Dyrrhachium. The resulting battle saw Pompey win a victory and Caesar was forced to back away. Wary of fighting Caesar, Pompey failed to follow up this triumph, preferring instead to starve his opponents army into submission. He was soon swayed from this course by his generals, various senators, and other influential Romans who wished him to give battle. Advancing through Thessaly, Pompey encamped his army on the slopes of Mount Dogantzes in the Enipeus Valley, approximately three and a half miles from Caesars army. For several days the armies formed for battle each morning, however, Caesar was unwilling to attack up the slopes of the mountain. By August 8, with his food supplies low, Caesar began debating withdrawing east. Under pressure to fight, Pompey planned to give battle the next morning. Moving down into the valley, Pompey anchored his right flank on the Enipeus River and deployed his men in the traditional formation of three lines, each ten men deep. Knowing that he had a larger and better-trained cavalry force, he concentrated his horse on the left. His plan called for the infantry to remain in place, forcing Caesars men to charge a long distance and tiring them before contact. As the infantry engaged, his cavalry would sweep Caesars from the field before pivoting and attacking into the enemys flank and rear. Seeing Pompey move off the mountain on August 9, Caesar deployed his smaller army to meet the threat. Anchoring his left, led by Mark Antony  along the river, he too formed three lines though they were not as deep as Pompeys. Also, he held his third line in reserve. Understanding Pompeys advantage in cavalry, Caesar pulled 3,000 men from his third line and arrayed them in a diagonal line behind his cavalry to protect the armys flank. Ordering the charge, Caesars men began advancing. Surging forward, it soon became clear that Pompeys army was standing their ground. Realizing Pompeys goal, Caesar halted his army approximately 150 yards from the enemy to rest and reform the lines. Resuming their advance, they slammed into Pompeys lines. On the flank, Titus Labienus led Pompeys cavalry forward and made progress against their counterparts. Falling back, Caesars cavalry led Labienus horsemen into the line of supporting infantry. Using their javelins to thrust at the enemy cavalry, Caesars men halted the attack. Uniting with their own cavalry, they charged and drove Labienus troops from the field. Wheeling left, this combined force of infantry and cavalry struck into Pompeys left flank. Though Caesars first two lines were under heavy pressure from Pompeys larger army, this attack, coupled with the entry of his reserve line, swung the battle. With their flank crumbling and fresh troops assaulting their front, Pompeys men began to give way. As his army collapsed, Pompey fled the field. Seeking to deliver the deciding blow of the war, Caesar pursued Pompeys retreating army and compelled four legions to surrender the following day. Aftermath The Battle of Pharsalus cost Caesar between 200 and 1,200 casualties while Pompey suffered between 6,000 and 15,000. Additionally, Caesar reported capturing 24,000, including Marcus Junius Brutus, and showed great clemency in pardoning many the Optimate leaders. His army destroyed, Pompey fled to Egypt seeking aid from King Ptolemy XIII. Shortly after arriving at Alexandria, he was murdered by the Egyptians. Pursuing his enemy to Egypt, Caesar was horrified when Ptolemy presented him with Pompeys severed head. Though Pompey had been defeated and killed, the war continued on as Optimate supporters, including the generals two sons, raised new forces in Africa and Spain. For the next few years, Caesar conducted various campaigns to eliminate this resistance. The war effectively ended in 45 BC after his victory at the Battle of Munda. Selected Sources HistoryNet: Battle of PharsalusRoman Empire: Battle of PharsalusLivius: Battle of Pharsalus